Saturday, August 3, 2013

Friendship....a ship that never sinks...

Its funny how sometimes u have so much to say about a particular topic but no matter what you cannot find the proper are just so stuck up with getting the title right that you end up forgetting what it was that was so important that you had to stay awake at 1.30 am on a Sunday morning to get it off your chest....what was so important that you couldn't just pick up the phone and vent out your feelings and that you have to go back to writing blogs abt it...but you have to agree sometimes writing abt our views is much more easy than speaking abt them.

Its the first Sunday of the month of August and "Friendship day" is here. Now dun get me wrong...I am not the sort of person who celebrates friendship day...I am a firm believer that you dont need a specific day to express your gratitude to your parents, friends and family...So for me friendship day was like just another any other Sunday....

This year its different. This year and the coming years require friendship day. To make myself more crystal clear, I would like to present you with a scenario....Picture this--- you are at wadi....the usual setting (read mess)...its there just lying around..some are drinking, some are smoking while some have been to the moon and back,  the game of age is going on in the background, someone is playing 90's on their cell and people are arguing about who's the best singer- Kumar Sanu or Udit Narayan...(to settle this argument once and for all, the best singer is S. P. Balasubramanium hands down)....there are people around you...but suddenly you realise you dont know any of these guys really...u mite know one or two of them...but most of them are FOAF's...and thats when reality strikes...your wolf pack has slowly and gradually ceased to exist...whilst once there was a pack, all now that has left are some random bits and pieces.

How did we come to this??? How have the hours turned into days and days into it never dawned upon us that the wolfpack is getting thinner by the passing day....

I am not being cynical here....but the truth is priorities for all of us have changed. The same applies to me as well, as I am speaking from my own experience... back in the school days everyone was my best friend...The universal set of friends was very much into existence...Then I learnt to pick and choose...from my college group i chose few, I let go off a few of them and I neglected quite a few of them. I chose those who were the best of the lot...and yes i did choose the best of them. I am extremely proud of the way all my choices have turned out. 

I am at cross roads in my life....There is so much important stuff goin on...both at personal level and professional level...and to make the most of these wonderful times i am blessed to have company of all my good friends....I know they are here for me as i shall always be there for them even in their toughest times. However sometimes when i think real hard, i realise that there are friends who were thick and fast but now are mere acquaintances. How much they mean in my life is for me to decide. What I wonder at times is have i become selfish to come to expect more from such people. Am I living up to the expectations of the others like I expect them to live up to mine...what if I am not? Do i just stop being their friend and become more of an acquaintance? Is it wrong to expect a call, a friendly chat, some swearing or some precious time?

But then having thought abt this quite a lot i realised you cannot stop being a friend...ever. Sometimes you have to take a back seat but that doesnt mean you phase yourself out. No matter if people are not living up to your expectations.... No matter how many arguments, fights you have you cannot let your ego ruin your friendship. And this is what i feel is hurting us today. Our egos have become more dominant for us to have a clear picture about any situation. We are not ready to give second chances to people who have erred. We let our differences, misunderstandings swell up rather than face it upfront and more often than not this proves detrimental to the relationship...of course friendship, like any other relationship, requires commitment, honesty, integrity...It has to be nurtured, cared for. Its true and everyone knows so, that friendship is one ship that wont ever sink.

On this Friendship day, I want  to wish all my friends the best in their lives. Its not that everything is lost but many things could be better if we have the guts to make them right. People are just a call away!!!!! Its true that to make new things you have to let got go of older things, but that cant be true in case of your friends. Make new friends but dont forget the old ones.

Friends are like a bottle of wine, the older they get, the sweeter they taste.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Its a typical night out with lots of friends, minus the booze, plus a healthy dose of laughter and fun and frolic....(i should mention here that this used to happen way back...almost seems ages back. Also the venue didn't matter much as the option were ). Someone is playing the mood setting, soothing melodies by Kishor Kumar......out of nowhere u hear soft whistle blowing in the background...and it is met with a loud groan from the rest. The "street DJ" has suddenly altered the mood by playing "SHOLAY" for the umpteenth time......

All other activities please take a back seat!!! After all its "Sholay" time.....Pulsating, melodramatic, humorous, amazingly entertaining and at times tragic, every glorifying adjective that comes to your mind can be attributed to this film. Every scene and characters come to life on screen and that is what watching this movies every time makes a memorable experience.

"Paise jo tum chaho....kaam jo mein chahoo...."
You have got to admit that this is dialogue delivery at its very best...Kudos to Sanjeev Kumar!!!

"Tumhara naam kya hai, Basanti"
Every time I watch this scene i cant help but smile....this wisecrack must be one of the best to have come through....

The dialogues are so legendary that I'll need the entire script to quote here...but its neither about the script nor about the dialogue. Its about the feeling that this movie generates that never ceases to amaze you. You had an entire generation of Jais and Virus and many more after that. No pair of stars has been able to create such kind of a much so when Govinda and Sanjay Dutt starred in the forgettable Jodi No. 1, their characters were named Jai and Viru.

Yeh dosti hum nahin todenge!!!!! Just want to sign of with this........

Friday, June 17, 2011


I am nostalgic!!!!!!! And i've been thinking a lot for the past couple of days (just something that i do on a lot more regular basis now)....but somehow i cant seem to get this topic of my mind....

Just the other day almost all the newspapers carried photos of small kids on their first day at school....They all looked so cute with most of them crying their eyes out....and somehow it reminded me of my, not first, but definitely my last few school days. or should i say last few years...

Man how i miss those days!!!!! They say an empty mind is devils work shop...agreed to that. but i'd say a relaxed, free mind is more dangerous than a devil's just for the fact that it takes u down that memory lane u'd rather venture not....Not that the memories are disturbing or anything, but they do make u restless...restless in a way that is, i must admit, is endearing. I am not the kind of guy who reminisces....but all i felt the other day was to just go to my Alma Mater, sit in the any classroom and listen to an entertaining yet knowledgable Marathi class or an "epic" History class by or a "pure" Hindi class....well the list is are the memories associated with them.

Times have changed one knows where the hell we'll land up....and we dun even know when, possibly, we'll be able to share those memories together. But i cant sit back and wait for that day....the world is getting closer. Its about time we took the plunge. So here i am, asking all you guys to share your best momories here. Maybe in due time we'll all be able to publish our own year book which has been long due.

Looking forward to your ideas and posts....